Havana, Cuba, 2004

Up early, I walked down to the Malecon to watch sunrise over Morro Castle, guarding the entrance to Havana harbor. Just a few months earlier a student asking a technical question at a Nikon School mentioned he was preparing for a trip to Cuba. Asking him more about the trip I found out the total cost for round-trip airfare from Miami, a week’s stay in a tourist hotel in Old Havana, with breakfast, all transfers, and some tour guiding from a professor at the University of Havana, was barely more than it would cost me to stay home. It was a fascinating experience. Walking around at all hours of the day and night, with lots of camera gear (which almost put me over the ridiculous weight limit of 22 lbs. allow to be taken there), I never felt unsafe. or unwelcome. On the contrary, I’ve never been propositioned more. The decades long American embargo seems absurd considering people from anywhere else in the world can go there routinely; lots of contact and communication between people would have to be more productive and beneficial to Cubans and American businesses.
For more photographs go to https://www.billdurrence.com/index/all
Lena Meeks
Joel Kleiner
Beautiful photo Bill. Every administration since the Kennedy Administration has kept the embargo against the people of Cuba. It is the Cuban’s living in South Miami for the most part who fight against lifting the embargo. Although Senator Robert Menendez of N.J., voice his displeasure to President Obama, at that time. It only hurts the poor Cuban people. President Obama tried to ease the embargo, and Trump tightened it again. It is a travesty against the Cuban people. We’re fighting that “cold war”, since JFK and the Bay of Pigs Invasion and Fidel Castro. 👎