St. Patrick’s Day, Savannah, 2023

Savannah, GA

In last week’s post, I talked about the extravagant, expressive use of color halfway around the world from home. Today’s photo is similar energy, but just a few blocks from my front door. Last Friday was the annual Savannah bacchanal, officially known as Saint Patrick’s Day, the premier public party event in Savannah. There have been years in the past when I started early and went late, but that was then and this is now. Barbara and I can stop by several friends’ parties for Bloody Marys or Irish coffee, plus breakfast buffets in the morning, wander the streets randomly sampling the never-ending parade, and be back home for a nap by mid-afternoon.

Because the March 17th Friday date made it a long weekend this year, and with beautiful, cool, sunny weather, I think most expectations were for a very large number of visitors and a rowdy crowd in the evenings. It seemed to be pretty quiet to us though, judging by the few numbers of drunks yelling at each other at 3 AM about who was supposed to remember where the car was parked, although there was one in particular I remember, hearing the near weeping relief when he yelled out, “I found it! I found it!”

Not comprehensive by any stretch, I did shoot some random scenes (somehow missing all the military and ROTC units) that I’ve posted as a new gallery, St. Patrick’s Day, Savannah, 2023. To see that, go to

  1. Becky

    Since I fled to the mountains early on the 17th, these pictures show me all the color that I missed.