Savannah, 2025

My neighborhood in Savannah periodically adds a little twist to the day for tourists riding the trolleys around Washington Square/Ward, with events like the Bathrobe Brunch (a weekend morning where a large number of people in bathrobes show up for a pot luck brunch), or sometimes by the size of the crowd at our regular Friday afternoon gatherings, or maybe by a Memorial Circle for someone in the ‘hood who has passed.
Our neighbors just to the south, Greene Square/Ward, have added to the possible surprising sights for a visitor, starting a new tradition a few years ago, an Equinox Party, another pot luck meal, but beginning with a “special cocktail” toast to the Sun and then a Sun Salutation, later followed by a series of games where one could win a Rudolph nose.
Neighborhoods where people look for reasons to celebrate together are the best.
For more of Bill’s photographs, go to
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