Savannah Riverfront, 2014

Savannah, GA Foggy morning

For some years now, I’ve had a bit of a lazy streak when it comes to photographing Savannah. I used to carry a camera all the time, everywhere. Not so much anymore–my aging and reluctance to carry any weight, but also, too often, when I start to photograph something locally, I think, “Done that. It’s somewhere in the files. Why add another copy to that pile?” I assuage my conscience for not sustaining a “commitment to carry” indefinitely, with the idea the smart phone in my pocket means I always have a camera. I have made some photographs with the phone that I like, and I will never forget the message woven thoroughly into me by my mentor that images are not about hardware, but seeing. Still, the phone camera will never feel as serious to me; more like a niche art, like the Diana camera. So, a foggy morning tempts me to pick up my “real camera” bag and go for a walk, before the first cup of coffee, and gifts me with an unusual high tide along the downtown waterfront, a new picture.

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  1. Elliott Brack

    Bill: Your disdain of iPhones reminds me of something entirely different: “Strong men don’t eat kitsch.”–