Prague, 2001

The Marquis de Sade as a theme for a cafe seems odd to me. Maybe they have a wonderful menu, you order something that sounds really good, and then they show it to you from a distance but refuse to serve you?

Some years ago I use to drive I-95 down the Georgia coast into Florida regularly, for work, and there were billboards along the highway advertising a topless breakfast cafe, apparently a strip club’s efforts to expand their business. I was a little curious, and considered stopping a couple of times, but could never contort the mix of eggs, bacon, toast, and titillation into something that wasn’t off-putting, or just sad, and it seemed unlikely they would let me photograph there. On a recent drive to Jacksonville, I noticed the billboards are gone.

In Prague, the de Sade cafe around the corner was pretty bland looking. Maybe it was a disguise for a backroom with alternate menus, but I thought their ad here was a nice cross-marketing effort, placed between a head shop and a lingerie store.

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  1. Becky

    Huuuuh, I have traveled many times down I-95 but somehow missed that invite…..maybe I just did not drive far enough. ?

    1. bdurrence

      I imagine you were not the demographic they designed the signs for. I’m not sure where the cafe actually was; just saw the billboards. Might have been in Florida.