Happy Solstice, 2023
Rio de Janeiro, 2019

“And crawling on the planet’s face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time. And lost in space… and meaning.” The last lines from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”
It is so easy to fall into egocentric thinking, or, more accurately, non-thinking. For years I’ve sent out this holiday Solstice greeting with some attempt to offer a positivity in the lengthening of the day, the coming of more light. But if you are anywhere near this photograph’s location on the Winter’s Solstice, you are saying goodbye to your longest day, and moving into summer. My bad. I have mentioned how we begin another trip around the sun, but the notion of a starting and ending point/date is pretty arbitrary; maybe it should be the Equinox? Which one?
One of the nice things about getting older has been appreciating the liberation that can come from letting go of certitude.
Whether you are gaining or losing light, I hope you are having a good holiday season, whatever your beliefs, and I wish for you, in the New Year, at least one sometimes irritating but irrevocable, unshakeable friend whose perspective reminds you regularly that there is more than one legitimate point of view.
For more of Bill’s photographs, go to https://www.billdurrence.com/index